
Members of the Engaging Computing Group


Saniya Vahedian Movahed is a doctoral candidate in Computer Science. She joined UTSA in August 2023.

Saniya’s research focuses on how childen learn AI, including their relationship to AI chatbots.

Neha Bhosale is an Master’s student in Computer Science at UTSA. Neha is working on the iSENSE project.

Pragathi Durga Rajarajan is an undergraduate student in Computer Science at UTSA. Durga is working on AI Tools for K-12 and is co-author of the Fauna Forest project.

Liam Murray is an undergraduate student in Computer Science at UTSA. He is vice-president of ACM. Liam is working on the iSENSE project.

Nat Broyles is an undergraduate student in Computer Science at UTSA. Nat is working on the iSENSE project.

Past Members

Fred led the Engaging Computing Group at UMass Lowell from 2002 to 2023. Members included:

Rajia Abdelaziz Evana Gizzi George Pantazopoulis
Chike Abuah Erin Graceffa Sam Patriquin
Chris Adoretti Chris Granz Michael Penta
Victoria Albanese Alex Grinstein Jeremy Poulin
Olmo Alonso Farzeen Harunani Iryna Pseftis
Moreno Franco Christopher Huerta Tyler Puleo
Gaurav Bhatnagar Steven Huyhn Vrinda Punj
Chris Berns Elena Izotova Alan Rosenthal
Katharine Brunelle Anshul Kamdar Anthony Salani
Kaitlyn Carcia John Kelly Doug Salvati
David Ceddia Jason Kiesling Joel Savitz
Yoo Min Cha Jacob Kinsman Lauren Seavey
Andrew Chanler Nipun Kisari Mark Sherman
Brian Cheung Rory Kondrad Patrick Sullivan
Billy Chin Michael Kusmirek Blake Skinner
Grace Chin Garima Jain Joel Slebodnick
Trevor Conway David Jones-Martin Patrick Son
Chris Corcoran Carmen Lara Reed Spool
Qiana Curcuru Kyewook Lee Ramya Srinatha
Glen Cote Derrell Lipman Mike Stowell
Jeremy Daigneau Tim Mahan Naveena Swamy
James Dalphond Justin Lu John Swanson
Nicholas Davidowicz Ryan Maradiaga Joshua Sullivan
James DeFilippo Vaishali Mahipal Bonnie Joyce Tacheron
Matthew DiBello Zachary McCann Sachiko Tosa
Bobby Donald Michael McGuinness Nat Tuck
Jaelyn Dones Hassan McKusick-Shriem Ryan Tucker
Kim Douglas Joel Michel Arthea Valderrama
Jason Downing Charlie Mirabile Keith Valin
George Doyle Bryan Montalvan Nicholas Ver Voort
James English Eliane Motchoffo Calvin Yee
Joshua Everett Ian Ndicu Eric Viscione
Eric Fairbanks David Nguyen Angela Wang
John Fertitta Chris Odom Haiyang Zhang
Chris Galster Nathan Palmer Sam Zuk
Srija Ghosh Dhruv Patel